Friday, March 6, 2015

6. Coily Hair Wash N Dry #SLAY

~Washing & Drying Ya Coils~ #Slay

She is Co-Washing her hair! #CoWashQueens

The Washing

When washing type 4 hair, it is better to begin by co-washing. Type 4 hair is the thickest, and most curly hair types of all, so co-washing is a great way to make sure the roots of your hair get cleaned.

When co-washing:

  1. Separate the hair into 4 or more sections.
  2. Start with one section, and add a significant amount of water (enough to wet the whole section).
  3. Add your shampoo (a medium amount), and rub the shampoo throughout the section, and on the scalp.
  4. Comb out the tangles, to de-tangle the section.
  5. Repeat each step for every section.

When regularly washing:

When regularly washing, there are only a few main things to remember, and they are, to massage the scalp and make sure to incorporate the ends of your hair when washing.

The Drying

  • Air Drying: Use a T-Shirt to get rid off any excess (dripping) water.
  • Drying With A Comb (comb on the dryer): Use heat protectant to minimize the chance of heat damage.*Type 4 Hair can be easily damaged by heat, especially the ends*
  • When drying with a comb, type 4 hair will lose all natural curl and appear straight.

Her hair is air dried. Note some natural coils on the sides.:)

Her hair is blown out with a blow drier and comb.

Blow Dried hair: (found on google images)
Air dried hair: (found on google images)

5. Curly Hair Wash N Dry (Type 3)

~Washing & Drying Type 3 Hair~ #Yas

Washing Type 3 Hair:

Type 3 hair is where many natural and thick curls are formed and more tangles appear. Co-washing is useful for type 3 hair because it helps the shampoo and conditioner reach the root of the hair; getting the roots, and scalp clean.

  • For type 3 hair use a thick/ heavy conditioner.
  • When co-washing separate the hair into 4 or more sections.Then wet a section of air, and add a fair amount of shampoo. Once you've added the shampoo, comb the hair to remove any tangles. Repeat each step for every section of the hair.
  • When washing the hair, the hair should not have tangles.
  • Massage the scalp of the hair, to make sure the roots get a deep cleansing.
  • Rub the soap all over the hair to make sure the ends are also getting clean.
  • Rinse the hair with warm water.


When drying type 3 hair, you can either air dry the hair, blow dry the hair with a brush, or blow dry the hair with a comb.
  • When air drying, use a T-shirt to absorb and dripping water. Then let the rest of the hair air dry.
  • When drying with a blow dryer and a brush, run the brush down the hair, while going over the hair with the blow dryer. While this may not completely de-tangle the hair, it helps dry the hair while leaving some natural curls.
  • When blow drying with a comb, you may want to use heat protectant because blow dryers get very hot, and type 3 hair is very easily damaged by heat. Drying with this method gives the hair a straight look.
On the left is the 3B/3C hair after being washed. On the right is the hair after
being blow dried with a comb.

4. Wavy Hair Wash N Dry (Type 2)

~Washing N Drying for Type 2 Hair~ 



Washing type 2 hair is very similar to washing type 1 hair. While co-washing is still not essential for type 2 hair, it can help moisturize the hair; because the texture of the hair is still very soft  and the shampoo also reaches the scalp through regular washing. Also, type 2 hair has curls, although they are not extremely course, they must be handled beforehand.

 When washing your hair:
Start by detangling. Take a medium amount of hair, start with the comb at the top and work your way down. Once you reach the part of the hair that is very tangled, comb over the area continuously with minimal pressure, until the tangles are out. Do not yank on the hair, because the ends of type 2 hair tend to be dry and can be easily damaged if not cared for properly.
Use a light shampoo and a light conditioner when cleansing your hair, to keep the balance between the natural oils in your hair and the cleansing ingredients in the shampoo/conditioner.
Massage your scalp to cleanse the roots of your hair.
Glide your hands down to the ends of your hair, to ensure that the ends of your hair get clean, and to maintain healthy ends.
DO NOT wash with extremely hot or cold water, using lukewarm water is best because it does not dry out the hair. The ends of type 2 hair are prone to becoming dry, so using warm water and making sure the ends are moisturized are sure ways to keep the ends healthy.



  • When drying type 2 hair you can either air dry or use a blow dryer. Using the air drying method may take longer but it does allow the hair to dry with its natural curls. Also, using the blow dryer without the comb piece may allow the hair to dry with its natural curls.
  • When blow drying without the comb, use a brush to glide through the hair as you run the blow dryer, to dry and detangle the hair at the same time.
  • While drying with a blow dryer (with the comb) may straighten the natural curls.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

3. Straight Hair Wash N Dry (Type 1)

~Washing & Drying Type 1 Hair~ #OhYeah

Wash Long Hair Step 6.jpgWash Long Hair Step 5.jpg


Usually with the topic of washing natural hair, you think of co-washing first. However, for type 1 hair co-washing isn't necessary because of the texture of the hair and the hair and the fact that the shampoo reaches the scalp with regular washing.
When washing your hair:
  1. Use a light, natural shampoo, so the natural oils in your hair aren't all washed out. Using "commercial" shampoos can damage your hair, because of all the detergents and unnatural products they contain. They can strip your hair of their natural oils, causing your hair to become brittle and dry.
  2. Gently massage your scalp.
  3. Glide your hands down the hair to make sure the ends are also cleaned (Shown Below).
  4. Make sure you get shampoo on your actual hair and ends, to keep them strong and healthy.
  5. DO NOT use extremely hot water, or cold water. Use lukewarm water when washing your hair, so that you actually clean your hair, while not drying out the hair.
  6.  Use a light all natural conditioner, to clean and condition your hair without stripping the hair of its natural oils.


  • When blow drying type 1 hair medium heat is recommended, also you do not need to use the "comb" piece to the brush because it is made to dry and somewhat straighten/ detangle hair; and type 1 hair is naturally straight.
  • Also drying your hair with a towel or T-shirt can dry your hair well.
  • Air-drying is another option.
There are a multitude of options to choose from when drying type 1 hair, because  it is hard to damage but easy to dry.


Price, Renee. "Cleansing Type 1 Hair." How to Make Your Hair Grow Faster Tips to Grow Long Hair Faster. Web. 26 Mar. 2015.

Oliver, Diana. Digital image. 22 Nov. 2013. Web.

Oliver, Diana. Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Hair Dryers. Digital image. Http:// 22 Nov. 2013. Web.

How to Wash Long Hair: 9 Steps. Digital image. WikiHow. Web.

2. Finding Your Type ;)

What Type Are You?

There are many different types of hair. From hair type 1A to 4C.

1A~Straight N Fine~
1A hair is straight and has no curl, kink or wave in it. The hair is soft, shiny and very light in weight. Its hard for the hair to hold curls because of the ongoing straight pattern of the hair. It is also hard to damage the hair because the natural oil produced by the hair, acts as a moisturizer and heat protectant.
1B~Straight N Full~
1B hair is basically the same as 1A hair, "bone straight", it is just more full than 1A. Another difference is the hair does not produce as much oil as1A however, it produces enough to protect the hair from damage.
1C~Straight N Thick~
1C hair is straight but has slight tangles. It is not much different from 1A and 1B it produces a great amount of natural oil, is hard to hold curls and tangles slightly because of the thickness of the hair.
 2A~Wavy Swavy~(SM)
2A hair is, fine, thin and light. It is generally easy to straighten and curl and has a great amount of sheen (shine). The hair doesn't bounce up and it is better to use lighter weighted products on it, such as hair lotions, mousse's, and gels, to enhance natural curls and not weigh them down. 
2B ~Wavy Curvy~ (SM)
2B hair is naturally curled, while the curls aren't very enhanced, they form the shape of a slight letter "S'. This hair sticks closely to the head, will not bounce out of place and has a nice sheen, while not as shiny as 2A, it is there. The hair does slightly resist styles and has the tendency to slightly frizz.
2C~Wavy Whirly~(SM)
2C hair is the thickest and coarsest of all the wavy hair. Like the other types, 2C has a slight sheen, and does not bounce out of place. The hair also frizzes and is composed of more curls, rather than waves.
3A~Curly Twirly~(SM)
3A hair is very curly and bouncy. The curls are naturally big, loose and shiny. The hair is very much affected by the weather and can be easily straightened. There are a variet of products that can be used to enhance 3A hair, though there are no specific product recommendations.
3B~Curly Spirally~(SM)
3B hair has copious curls, that range from bouncy ringlets to tight corkscrews. 3B is hair is coarse and can be hard to flat iron. Some gels, hair smoothies and creams can tame, enhance and reduce the frizz of the hair.
3C~Curly Coily~(SM)
3C hair has even more curls, however these curls are more tightly compacted than 3A and 3B. The curls are a bit harder to blow dry and/or press and the curls are pretty dense. Hair creams, butters, milks, and oils help keep the curls moisturized and voluminous.
4A~Coily Springy~(SM)
4A hair has tight coils in the shape of an "s" the coils. The hair has a constant curl pattern and is very naturally moisturized compared to 4B. Type 4 hair has fewer cuticle layers than the other hair types, making the hair more vulnerable to things like combing, brushing, flat ironing and blow drying. Using thick moisturizers, creams an a great amount of oil is great for each type of the Type 4 hair.
4B~Coily Crimpy~(SM)
4B hair is tightly compacted, the curls are about needle width and the thickness of the hair can make styling a chore. The hair can shrink up to about 75% of the actual length of the hair. Using thick moisturizers, creams and an abundance of oils helps moisturize the hair as well as give the natural curls definition.
4C~Coily Ziggly~(SM)
4C hair is the thickest of all the coily group hair. It is almost identical to 4B except there are slight differences. 4C hair has tight and kinky curls, and can shrink to over 75% its actual length.
  • "Type 2 - Wavy Hair." Type 2 - Wavy Hair. TextureMedia Inc. Web. 17 Feb. 2015.<>. From this site I learned a number of things such as the different hair types from 2A to 4C. I referred to this site to describe each hair type and I also used the titles they had on the site while adding that they created the names. I liked this site for the information. While I did not copy word for word, I read the information and summarized it as best I could, while not altering the information, causing it to be incorrect.
  • "KL's Naturals." : Hair Typing. 29 Jan. 2014. Web. 15 Feb. 2015. . I used a picture from the website.
  • "Hair Types." Healthy Hair Dimensions Retailer of Natural Hair Products. Web. 14 Feb. 2015. . I referred to this website to learn about type 1A hair and its characteristics.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

1. Right Down to The Root

human hair follicle structure Human Hair Follicle Structure

Right Down to the Root
Your hair grows from little follicles/ roots under the skin.
  • The hair shaft is the hair that you physically see.
  • The hair bulb is the bulbous (fat/round) area where the hair shaft is generated.
  • The sebaceous gland, also known as the oil gland, lubricates the hair, keeping it shiny and healthy.
  • The hair follicle is a sac where the hair grows, where the sebaceous glands opens.
  • The epidermis is the outer layer of skin that you can see. The epidermis is a barrier that separates the body from the outside environment.
  • The dermis is the innermost layer of skin, right under the epidermis. The dermis acts as a supporting structure for the epidermis and contains proteins such as collagen and elastin. Collagen and elastin help give the skin strength and gives it the ability to stretch and return to its original shape
  • Arrector pili muscles are the muscles between each hair follicle.
  • Subcuntaneous tissues are the third layer of skin that house blood vessels, veins, arteries, and the hair muscle. This layer of skin helps regulate the temperature of the body and protects the arteries and veins.

  • Hair Follicle Diagram. Digital image. Health Favo. 1 Aug. 2013. Web. I used this picture to show and describe the way the hair gets its nutrients, how it grows and the overall "life cycle" of hair.
  • NetservePlus, Bvba. "What Is Hair Made of and How Does It Grow?" What Is Hair Made of and How   Does It Grow? Web. 12 Nov. 2014. <>.  From this site I learned how hair grows and where the actual hair comes from. I learned that hair comes from little follicles (tiny holes) in the scalp and in the follicles there are the dermal papilla that gives the hair the nutrients it needs to grow.